Database of luminescent Minerals


Chemical Formula: CaTiSiO5

Familly: Silicates

Status: IMA-GP

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Mineral for Display: No

Associated names (luminescent varieties, discredited names, synonymes etc.):  sphene


UV Type Main color Intensity Observation Frequency
Short Waves (254 nm):      Dark Orange /Tawn

Phosphorescence (in the common meaning of the term) seen by naked eye:

No Data

Main Activator(s) and spectrum:

Most Common Activator: Radiation induced centers

Other activators:            Cr3+ , Ti3+ , Sm3+ , Eu3+ , Er3+ , Pr3+ , Nd3+ , Tm3+ ,

Peaks in the spectrum (nm):

Sm3+ : 600nm

Eu 3+ : 620, 703nm 

Ti3+? : 742

749 762 769 793 798 804 820nm

Cr3+ : 750, 750, 786nm

Spectrum: Michael Gaft, Petah Tikva, Israel. Plot: Institute of Mineralogy, University of Vienna, Austria, with permission of the authors.


  To the spectrum gallery (2 spectra in the gallery)

Comments on activators and spectra:

Potential luminescent centers include intrinsic TiO6 and Ti3+ and different impurities such as trivalent and divalent rare-earth elements (REE), Pb2+ and Mn2+ substituting for Ca2+, Cr3+ and Mn4+ substituting for Ti4+, and Cr4+, Cr5+ and Fe3+ substituting for Si4+.

Besides that, titanite can incorporate minor amounts of radioactive impurity components (particularly U and Th) that affect the crystal structure through α- and β-decay events.

Thus radiation-induced luminescence centers are also possible.

Nevertheless, steady-state luminescent spectroscopy of titanite under UV and X-ray excitations did not reveal characteristic bands and lines (Gorobets and Rogojine 2001) and only ionoluminescence spectrum of titanite exhibits various narrow lines of Sm3+, Eu3+ and Nd3+ (Yang 1995).


Chromium and other metals, such as Nb, Ta, V, Mn, Mg, Sn, Al, and Fe, are generally considered to be incorporated at the six-fold coordinated Ti-site whereas REEs substitute Ca on its large, seven-coordinated site. (Gaft)



Best Locality for luminescence(*):

(*)Data are not exhaustive and are limited to the most important localities for fluorescence

Bibliographical Reference for luminescence:

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Note: While all due attention has been paid to the implementation of the database, it may contain errors and/or accidental omissions. By nature, the database will always be incomplete because science always evolves according to new analysis.
A request providing no result means only that no such reference exists in the database, but it does not mean that what you are looking for does not exist, just not to our knowledge. If you think you have found an error or omission, please let us know via the contact page being sure to cite the source of information.


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