Database of luminescent Minerals


Chemical Formula: CaMg(CO3)2

Familly: Carbonates

Status: IMA-GP

Crystal System: Rhomboedric

Mineral for Display: Yes


UV Type Main color Intensity Observation Frequency
Long Waves (365nm):      Yellowish White
Mid waves (320 nm):      Yellowish White
Short Waves (254 nm):      Yellowish White
Other colors LW:                                                  
White , Bluish White , Pinkish White , Orange Red , Red , Violet red , Violet Pink , Pink , Greenish white , Yellowish ,
Other colors MW:                    
Pinkish White , Red , Violet red , Pink ,
Other colors SW:                                        
Bluish White , Pinkish White , Orange Red , Red , Violet red , Violet Pink , Pink , Greenish white ,

Daylight Picture

Horn Silver Mine, Beaver County, Utah, USA;
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.

Short Waves Pictures (254nm)

Horn Silver Mine, Beaver County, Utah, USA;
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.


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Phosphorescence (in the common meaning of the term) seen by naked eye:

No Data

Triboluminescence: Yes

Thermoluminescence: Yes


The Crazy Calcite fluo red SW from Franklin, USA is sometime composed by dark red SW fluorescing Dolomite mixed with bright red SW fluorescing Calcite, with black Franklinite  and tiny yellow Diopside crystals. The LW response is in shades of red-pink. It is however possible that the fluorescence of dolomite is due to the observation of the phenomenal fluorescence of calcite by transparency. 

Main Activator(s) and spectrum:

Most Common Activator: Mn2+

Other activators:            Organic impurities , Ce3+ , Sm3+ , Dy3+ , Tb3+ , Gd3+ ,

Peaks in the spectrum (nm):

Mn2+I repl. Ca2+ : 578 - 582nm
Mn2+II repl. Mg2+ : 650 -  660nm
Ce3+: 360 - 370nm 
Gd3+ : 312 nm
Tb3+ : 480, 545nm
Dy3+  : 478, 500, 572, 585nm
Eu3+ : 610 nm
Sm3+ : 560, 602, 645nm
[CO]n*? intr. :  410nm 
ST: 475nm
530 (?)

No spectrum for the moment

Comments on activators and spectra:

The following emission centers have been found by steady-state spectroscopy:

two different Mn2+ centers substituting for Ca2+ and Mg2+ and rare-earth elements such as Ce3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, Dy3+ and Sm3+ substituting for Ca2+ (Gorobets and Rogojine).




Deconvolution of corrected CL spectra from dolomite shows two overlapping peaks at 17315 cm−1 (578 nm) and 15270 cm−1 (655 nm).

In rare cases only the 655 nm Gaussian peak is present.

The CL peak at 578nm (Ia) is due to Mn2+ in the Ca site and the peak at 655nm (Ib) to Mn2+ in the Mg position.

The Mn2+ content in dolomite is linearly correlated with the normalized EPR areas of the two sites.

The distribution ratio (KD) of Mn2+ in the two sites of dolomite, i.e. the Ca and the Mg position, was determined by EPR and CL spectroscopy. A linear correlation exists between KD from EPR and the intensity ratio IbIa from CL. CL spectroscopy is thus an appropriate method to determine KD in dolomite and evaporitic dolomites may be differentiated from non-evaporitic dolomites by their KD-values. (see: Mn2+-activated luminescence in dolomite, calcite and magnesite: quantitative determination of manganese and site distribution by EPR and CL spectroscopy, Ahmad El Ali et Al., Chemical Geology, Volume 104, Issues 1–4, 10 February 1993, Pages 189-202)


Best Locality for luminescence(*):

(*)Data are not exhaustive and are limited to the most important localities for fluorescence

Bibliographical Reference for luminescence:

Luminescence Reference on internet:

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Note: While all due attention has been paid to the implementation of the database, it may contain errors and/or accidental omissions. By nature, the database will always be incomplete because science always evolves according to new analysis.
A request providing no result means only that no such reference exists in the database, but it does not mean that what you are looking for does not exist, just not to our knowledge. If you think you have found an error or omission, please let us know via the contact page being sure to cite the source of information.


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