Database of luminescent Minerals


Chemical Formula:

Familly: Rock


Mineral for Display: No

Associated names (luminescent varieties, discredited names, synonymes etc.):  Exotzamite


UV Type Main color Intensity Observation Frequency
Long Waves (365nm):      Yellow
Short Waves (254 nm):      Yellow

Phosphorescence (in the common meaning of the term) seen by naked eye:

No Data


An uncommon metamorphic rock type composed mostly of glass, formed by the melting of a sedimentary rock or soil by heat from an adjacent lava flow or scoria eruption, or the burning of an underground coal bed. Buchite is a product of a special type of metamorphism, called pyrometamorphism (contact type, high to very high temperature, low pressure, often connected with coal fires). The primary description of buchite is a transformed or glassy sandstones associated with basalts (in Germany). Buchite is named for German mineralogist Baron Christian L. von Buch, who died in 1853. (


Even though they have different petrogenesis and petrographic characteristics from classic buchites, siliciclastic sedimentary rocks vitrified by volcanic activity, are misleadingly termed buchites. True buchites are siliciclastic sedimentary rocks that have been affected by metamorphism in the contact aureoles between basalt intrusions and solid sedimentary rocks. This mode of genesis is clearly different from isolated pyro-metamorphosed, siliciclastic uppermost crustal xenoliths with external glassy rims. In buchites, where glass is present, it occurs within the matrix of the rocks, whereas in the isolated siliciclastic xenoliths glass occurs mainly as external glassy rims. The differences in the nature and genesis of buchites sensu strictu and pyro-metamorphic, glass coated  from the West Eifel Volcanic Field, requires a distinct name that distinguishes between the two lithologies. Glass-coated pyro-metamorphic xenoliths are thus defined as Exotzamit. Buchites and exotzamites are products of metamorphism, the former by contact-metamorphism and the later by pyro-metamorphism within the magma.

Main Activator(s) and spectrum:

No data

Best Locality for luminescence(*):

(*)Data are not exhaustive and are limited to the most important localities for fluorescence

Bibliographical Reference for luminescence:

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Note: While all due attention has been paid to the implementation of the database, it may contain errors and/or accidental omissions. By nature, the database will always be incomplete because science always evolves according to new analysis.
A request providing no result means only that no such reference exists in the database, but it does not mean that what you are looking for does not exist, just not to our knowledge. If you think you have found an error or omission, please let us know via the contact page being sure to cite the source of information.


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